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Regulations on Scanning Services  August 18, 2008 by Circulation Department of the Library
I. Scan service is available at the searching section on the fourth floor.
II. Objectives and Eligibility: For those who have the library cards of the school.
III. Opening Hours:
Monday~Friday 9:00-21:00
Saturday 9:00-19:30
Sunday 13:30-16:30
Opening hours may vary during summer vacation and winter break.
IV. Appointments:
(1) Reservation at the circulation desk on the 4th floor first. Each reservation is limited to 2 hours use. Registration can be made again if the equipment is available.
(2) To avoid more than one person to reserve for use, appointment is preferred. The appointment may be cancelled if 15 minutes past the appointed time.
(3) The scanner is for TNUA library collections only. No image processing is allowed here. Services like Internet, BBS, E-Mail, copying of personal assignments are not provided.
(4) Data Saving
a. Please have your USB thumb drives prepared to save data. Floppy disks can be purchased in the office on the fourth floor.
b. A color printer is provided for printing and scanning on the 4th floor. Please inform the librarian the paper size you need prior to printing. Printing service is charged at the rate below:
A4: NT$10 per page
B4: NT$15 per page

(5) Please handle the scanning equipment with care. Anyone who damages the apparatus due to negligence will have to pay the full value of the replacement.



















臺北市北投區學園路1號    電話:02-28961000#1836 or 1837    傳真:02-77507222    電子信箱: