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Regulations on Faculty Works Room (Room 601)
I. Opening Hours:
Monday-Friday 8:30~21:30
Saturday 8:30-20:00
Sunday 13:00-17:00
Opening hours during Summer Vacation and Winter Break is Monday-Friday 8:30~16:20
On national and school holidays, is closed.
II. Rules for R601:
1. School and faculty publications: For display only, not available for loan. When no duplicate copy is available, documents and materials are open for reading in the library.
2. School Theses: For reading only during opening hours.
III. Borrowing Privileges (School and Faculty Publications):
1. Only for TNUAfaculty, staff and students can use.
2. Check library catalog first to make sure the material you want to borrow is in Room 601, and only if a duplicate copy is not available in the library, you may ask a librarian to get the book in Room 601.
3. A borrower has to mortgage an item with his/her library card and fill out the form of “loaning of non-book materials.”
4. Each item can be read for two hours in the library. However, if the returning time passes the opening hours, then the item has to be returned before the end of the opening hours.
5. If a item is not returned by the due hour, it is considered overdue and is subject to overdue fines. Fines for the late return of books borrowed will be charged NTD$5 each item by hour.






















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