

Library Regulations of Taipei National University of the Arts

I. The faculty, students, retired employees, alumni, employees hired with “Regulations on Employees Recruited by College Affair Funds”, part-time teachers, program assistants and part-time employees of the school can borrow books from the Library based on the Regulations. The circulation of other non-book materials is regulated in accordance with “Library Regulations on Non-Book Materials” of TNUA.
II. The faculty, students and employees hired with “Regulations on Employees Recruited by College Affair Funds” of the school can borrow books with their IC cards issued by the school. Other contract employees have to apply to the Library for library cards. The application procedure isfollows below:

Contract Employee

Personal Documents to Submit


Part-Time Instructor

Contract or informal petition, ID card; a photo.

The library card is valid until the contract ends, but can be prolonged with a renewed contract or informal petition.

Program Assistant

Contract or informal petition, ID card; a photo. A NTD3000 security deposit or a warranty from a full-time teacher of the school.

Download Warranty

The library card is valid until the contract ends, but can be prolonged with a renewed contract or informal petition.
The security deposit will be returned without interest after the library card is returned.

Part-Time Employee and Temporary Employee

Contract or informal petition, ID card, a photo; a NTD3000 security deposit.

The library card is valid until the contract ends, but can be prolonged with a renewed contract or informal petition.
The security deposit will be returned without interest after the library card is returned.

Retired Employee and Alumni

Certificate of retire or diploma, ID card, a photo; a NTD3000 security deposit.

The library card is valid for one year, but can be prolonged with a certificate of retire or a diploma. The security deposit will be returned without interest after the library card is returned.

Notes: Please keep your library card safe and file a loss claim when it is lost and pay the handling fee of NTD200 to obtain a new one.

III. The quantity of and duration for circulation may vary based on types of users:

Loan Type

Standard Loan Period (Books)

Standard Loan Period (Electronic Materials (including CD, LD, VCD, DVD, CD-ROM, disc and so on))

Full-Time Teacher (instructor or above)

60 items for 6 weeks

35 items for 6 weeks

Graduate Student, Teaching Assistant and Research Employee

40 items for 4 weeks

25 items for 4 weeks

Part-Time Teacher and Part-Time Employee

20 items for 2 weeks

15 items for 2 weeks

Undergraduate Student and 7-Year Program Student

20 items for 2 weeks

15 items for 2 weeks

Retired Employee, Alumni, Temporary Personnel such as Program Assistant and Part-Time Employee

10 items for 2 weeks

5 items for 2 weeks

IV. You must borrow books or materials with your library cards in person, but the returning procedure can be done by others.
V. If no one has an appointment request for the book a user borrows, you may renew it twice. Electronic materials (including CD, LD, VCD, DVD, CD-ROM and disc) can not be renewed.
VI. If the book you want to borrow has been borrowed by another user, you can make an appointment request on-line. The appointment request will be reserved for five days before it is cancelled.
VII. Periodicals, reference books, rare books and other library-use-only materials can not be borrowed.
VIII. The circulation of reference books designated by instructors is regulated with “Regulations on Designated Reference Books.”
IX. When a book or material is being checked, arranged, bound or designated as a reference book by an instructor, the Library can make a recall to the borrower. An overdue item will be regulated with Item Eleven of the Regulations.
X. The Library will handle any loss or damage to a borrowed book or material with “Compensation Regulations on Books and Materials”.
XI. Borrowed items must be returned on time. The grace period for a teacher is 7 days, and 2 days for other users. The overdue fine starts with NTD15, accompanying with an additional NTD5 fine for each item every day. The maximum fine for each item is NTD500. Before the fine is paid off, a user is not allowed to borrow any book or material.
XII. The borrowing right of a user will be suspended until he/she has returned the overdue item. If an item is overdue for 6 months, a student user will be punished by student affairs office and a faculty user will be sent to his/her unit supervisor or the human resources office. For other users, their security deposit will be confiscated, and their circulation right will be revoked.
XIII. Any book or material being carried outside the Library without the completion of the circulation procedure is prohibited. After being confirmed, a student user will be sent to student affairs office for punishment and a faculty user will be reported to the President of the school. For other users, their security deposit will be confiscated, and their circulation right will be revoked and can no longer be retrieved.
XIV. When a faculty staff retires, leaves office or when a student graduates, transfers, is on leave or drops out of school, he/she must return all borrowed books or materials; otherwise, the leaving procedure will not be processed.
XV. The Regulations have been approved by administrative meeting. Any revision to the Regulations will also require the same approval procedure.

Handling Procedure for Library Card













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