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If you have questions aboutfRecommendation and Donation,
please contact the Library Technical Services Dept. at 2893-8729 or
email: techserv@library.tnua.edu.tw


Q: How to recommend the library to purchase a book, video, or other material?

Recommend A Purchase

A: Students and instructors can recommend a purchase through the online recommendation
  system from the library homepage, e-mail, or filling out a Purchase Recommendation Form.
  Instructors can also fill out a Course Reserves Purchase Recommendation Form for the library
  to purchase reference materials in support of teaching and learning. But only five items of
  course reserves and three items of books can be recommended, and please make a sequence
  of purchase. Besides, the library will collect the top 20 bestselling lists of some online
  bookstores (such as Eslite, Kingstone, Books.com Co) for students to vote for most wanted
  books. The library will plan to purchase the top 10 most wanted books based on the poll results.
  If there’s any book that the instructor wants to recommend is not on the list, please make a
  purchase recommendation. The library will post updates about new books and catalog at the
  entrance of fourth floor.


Q: What is the procedure to handle with a purchase recommendation?

Recommending Procedure

A: We will first check if the book has been already in the library catalog. If not, we will include
  it in the plan on purchasing based on the order of priority of the recommender and quota of
  his/her department. Then the vendor will seek the book and bargain price, and purchase the
  book according to the purchasing rules regulated by the government. After the book is
  purchased, it will be waiting for cataloging and other processing tasks before to be shelved.


Q: How do I donate books to the library?


A: The library welcomes and acknowledges any book donations, especially the books about
  teaching and learning, researching, arts exhibition and performance and other related
  subjects in arts, humanities, history and philosophy. Book donations can be sent directly
  to the circulation desk on fourth floor and also please fill out the Book Donation Form.


Q: How will the library handle with the donated books?

Donation Handling

A:The procedure of handling book donation: check the types and quantity of donation books and
  materials; make records when checking and accepting books; send out acknowledgement
  letters; conduct the follow-up tasks such as book selection, processing, bibliography, etc
  according to the collection verification procedure of library.
 Besides, the new revision of book donation form has been completed and is available to pick
  up at the circulation desk. The new form has added the department that the donor belongs to
  in order to save time for verification and help to improve the speed of responding letters and
  other follow-up procedures. The library greatly appreciates any donations.























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