
中  文



索書號: ML410 L8 C4 2005

音樂家呂泉生是一個有中心思想,並以本土為根的創作者,他寫過無數膾炙人口、歷久不衰的作品,如〈搖嬰仔歌〉〈杯底不可飼金魚〉〈阮若打開心內的門窗〉等。他也是帶領「榮星兒童合唱團」創造出許多台灣音樂奇蹟,寫下台灣音樂史上傳奇一頁的第一人。此外,他採集、改編台灣民謠,為台灣保留了珍貴的文化資產,同時也將台灣民謠藝術化,為台灣音樂的歷史,留下一道見證的足印。他在台灣音樂史上的地位是重要的,也是不可忽視的。 呂泉生秉持其中心思想,推動歌唱音樂,對戰後台灣音樂發展留下不可磨滅的貢獻。再從他一生從事的歌樂推廣角度來看,他不但是台灣的合唱音樂之父,也是將台灣歌曲藝術化的第一人,更是讓我們這一代有「自己的歌」可唱的催生者、作曲家。(陳郁秀)



索書號:ND1049.83 C455 A4 2006



網路拍賣也要做行銷=The 7 Essential Steps to Successful eBay Marketing
作者:Janelle Elms, Phil Dunn, Amy Balsbaugh;譯者:洪慧芳
索書號:HE5415.1265 E4612 2006



索書號: M1619 N5 2005



西  文


The Legacy of Homer : Four Centuries of Art From the Ecole Nationale Supaerieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris
By Emmanuel Schwartz
索書號: N7760 S3513 2005

From its founding in 1648, the Academie royale de peinture et de sculpture and its successor, the ecole nationale superieure des beaux-arts in Paris, were devoted to the Greek model. Mythology and poetry, along with the study of sculpture, were the foundations of academic teaching there. As a result, Greek gods and heroes were reborn in innumerable works by pupils and teachers of the ecole. This lavishly illustrated book explores the impact of the poet Homer on four centuries of French artists through the lens of the ecole's superb collections of paintings, prints, and sculptures.(From the Publisher)


Women Composers and Music Technology in the United States : Crossing the Line
By Elizabeth Hinkle-Turner.
索書號: ML1380 H56 2006

Featuring analytical discussions or descriptions of about 150 different pieces of electroacoustic music by women composers in the United States, this book is the most definitive attempt to date to discuss the achievements of women as composers of experimental and avant-garde music from the 1930s to the present day. Using a wealth of primary material such as interviews and personal correspondence, Women Composers and Music Technology also expolores currently relevant issues in gender and technology.(From the Publisher)


Hawaiian Shirts : Dress Right for Paradise
By Nancy N. Schiffer.
索書號:NK4890 S45 S744 2005

If you plan to enter paradise, you'll want to dress for it. Here are over 1,000 glorious color photographs of Hawaiian-inspired textile designs on shirts that will thrust wide the pearly gates. Fantastic florals, heavenly Hawaiian designs, gorgeous geometrics, beautiful birds, special surfing scenes, jumping Japanese prints, fabulous fish, luscious landscapes, favorite foods, and plenty of styling details and 330 labelswill motivate your journey. When you get there, just remeber one thing: Button up. Aloha! (From the Publisher)

  視聽 資料  

現代藝壇大師全集= Seven Artists (中文版,共7集)
Geoffrey Haydon導演
條碼號: DD005489 - DD005495

二十世紀藝術的急劇和複雜的發展結果,衍生藝術風格的過渡多樣化和氾濫。本系列節目鑑於此問題之所在,藉著探討七位在歐洲和美國工作的藝術家的作品和世界,試圖在當代繪畫藝術的各種面貌中發掘出一些主要的特色。七位藝術家在各集節目中,以他們自己的社會和地理環境為背景現身說法。每一集中並拍攝記錄一件藝術作品的完整創作過程。這七位藝術家包括:Roy Lichtenstein(USA)、Antoni Tapies(Spain)、Victor Pasmore(Great Britain)、Johannes Grutzke(Germany)、Duane Hanson(USA)、Julio Le Parc(Argentian)、Edward Ruscha(USA)。(資料來源:出版社)


流行大觀=The Look
Gina Newson, Jeremy Newson導演.製作
條碼號:DD005553 - DD005558
