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索書號: ND1049.6 C46 W36 2006 v.1/2

「五百年來一大千」,張大千無人不知無人不曉,他的畫作無數,國內外博物館及收藏家視 為瑰寶爭相典藏,他的故事萬人傳誦,出身名門見識不凡,與哥張善子在畫壇自成一方,民初與 皇族溥心畬並稱「南張北溥」齊名藝術界。 張大千的雲南石窟佛像描摩是一項艱鉅過程,他帶 領弟子結合當地喇嘛一起克服種種困難而終於完成,是張大千重要的藝術成就。而張大千的愛情 故事更是綺麗迷人,多場的戀史為人津津樂道。作者王家誠以為文人畫家立傳著名,在九歌先後 出版《鄭板橋傳》、《文人畫家的藝術與傳奇》、《溥心畬傳》,已有口碑。(摘自本書)



索書號:NA2520 Y36 2006

看建築逐漸成為近年來台灣社會的熱門顯學。但到底要如何看建築,仍讓許多想一窺建築堂奧 的人感到困惑。悠遊於文學與建築之間的中文系女子楊舒斐,自策劃“築生講堂”以來,一直致力 於空間美學的推廣工作。本書是她多年來與眾多建築狂熱者至德國、日本、西班牙等地旅行朝聖, 寫成的當代建築人文觀察。她善於述說動人建築背後的大時代故事以及空間利用潛藏的文化意函, 希望能與更多的人分享她對建築欣賞的樂趣與關心,建築美學成為人人生活美學的一部分。(摘自本書)


作者: 賴允政
索書號:BQ9286.2 L35 2005

走路,可以是一種身體與心智能量交換的運動;呼吸,原來是與天地能量的 感通;吃飯,其實是一種化學能轉換為電能的儀式,至於我們的手與腳,原來是 可以牽動智慧與整體生命力的奇妙器官!藥補不如食補、食補不如氣補、氣補不 如心補,在人體的小宇宙中,從呼吸、心跳,乃至於生理時鐘的變化,您可以輕 鬆地看見奇妙的節奏秩序;再透過「少林氣功內勁一指禪」的素樸招式,您會發 現─生命的動能原來就存在於我們的生活中!(摘自本書)


索書號:AM111 C3 2005

博物館學和博物館研究的差異何在,而博物館的概念又是如何發展 ? 在當代知識 傳播之中,博物館佔據極重要之位置,又與歷史認知及社會現實密切關繫,其特質 也因此難以把握。 全書就觀念、理論、實務之面向,探討博物館及博物館學議題, 涵括博物館定義、無牆博物館、無形文化資產、全球化、國際博物館學理論、展示 研究之理論方法、博物館機構發展歷程、博物館組織與營運、博物館學教學以及專 業人員進用養成等諸多面向,一一闡釋脈絡、關鍵論點、學界現況及展望,勾勒當 代博物館學研究現況,可說是作者積聚東洋、歐陸與本地體驗後,對當代博物館學 的一次懇切導覽。(資料來源:博客來網路書店)


索書號:DS799.4 C353 2005

國寶級畫家劉興欽手繪的民俗圖集,搭配有趣的生活小故事,描繪出一幅幅的昔日客家 農村生活,重新呈現許多被遺忘的鄉土民俗,讀來令人回味無窮。淳樸的舊日農村生活, 在劉興欽和蔡東照的圖畫文字下再度活現。80多張的台灣鄉土民俗圖和精采小故事,刻 畫出昔日農村的風土民俗和無憂無慮的兒時回憶,拉木馬、牽豬哥、踩鹹菜、打彈珠、 玩樹籽槍等等,都是一幅幅引人回味的景象,看了令人不禁會心一笑。這樣悠閒的農村 剪影在現代生活中已漸漸消聲匿跡,所以本書也是活潑有趣的珍貴鄉土教材喔!( 資料來源:聯經出版社)


西  文


Icons of Grief : Val Lewton's Home Front Pictures
By Alexander Nemerov.
索書號: PN1998.3 L469 N46 2005

This beautifully written study looks at the haunting, melancholy horror films Val Lewton made between 1942 and 1946 and finds them to be powerful commentaries on the American home front during World War II. Alexander Nemerov focuses on the iconic, isolated figures who appear in four of Lewton's small-budget classics--The Curse of the Cat People, The Ghost Ship, I Walked with a Zombie, and Bedlam. These ghosts, outcasts, and other apparitions of sorrow crystallize the anxiety and grief experienced by Americans during the war, emotions decidedly at odds with the official insistence on courage, patriotism, and optimism. In an evocative meditation on Lewton's use of these "icons of grief," Nemerov demonstrates the film-maker's interest in those who found themselves alienated by wartime society and illuminates the dark side of the American psyche in the 1940s. (From the Publisher)


The Cambridge Companion to Twentieth-Century Opera
Edited by Mervyn Cooke
索書號: ML1700 C17 2005

This Companion celebrates the extraordinary riches of the twentieth-century operatic repertoire in a collection of specially commissioned essays written by a distinguished team of academics, critics and practitioners. Beginning with a discussion of the century's vital inheritance from late-romantic operatic traditions in Germany and Italy, the text embraces fresh investigations into various aspects of the genre in the modern age, with a comprehensive coverage of the work of individual composers from Debussy and Schoenberg to John Adams and Harrison Birtwistle. Traditional stylistic categorizations (including symbolism, expressionism, neo-classicism and minimalism) are reassessed from new critical perspectives, and the distinctive operatic traditions of Continental and Eastern Europe, Russia and the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and United States are subjected to fresh scrutiny. The volume includes essays devoted to avant-garde music theatre, operettas and musicals, filmed opera, and ends with a discussion of the position of the genre in today's cultural marketplace. (From the Publisher)


Superfluous Things : Material Culture and Social Status in Early Modern China
By Craig Clunas.
索書號:HN740 Z9 S6233 2004

This book, presented here with a new preface, examines the history of material culture in early modern China. Craig Clunas analyzes "superfluous things" - the paintings, calligraphy, bronzes, ceramics, carved jade, and other objects owned by the elites of Ming China - and describes contemporary attitudes toward them. He informs his discussions with references to both socio-cultural theory and current debates on eighteenth-century England concerning luxury, conspicuous consumption, and the growth of the consumer society. (From the Publisher)


The Musical Human : Rethinking John Blacking's Ethnomusicology in the Twenty-First Century
Edited by Suzel Ana Reily.
索書號:ML3799 M85 2006
The musical human: without a doubt, this vision of the human species as naturally musical has become the most enduring legacy John Blacking bequeathed to ethnomusicology. The image aptly embodies his preoccupations, which integrated theoretical and methodological issues within the discipline with a deep concern for the physical and psychological well-being of humanity. Blacking believed sincerely in the power of music, and he contended that people’s general health depended upon the musical opportunities made available to them. For this reason, he placed great importance upon ethnomusicology, the discipline that investigates the way different societies around the world organize their musical activities, and the impact of these diverse alternatives upon the people involved in them. (From the Publisher)


Conservation of Leather and Related Materials
By Marion Kite and Roy Thomson
索書號:NK6200 K57 2006

The conservation of leather, skin and related materials is an area that, until now, has had little representation in book form. Marion Kite and Roy Thomson of the Leather Conservation Centre have prepared the first text of its kind which is both authoritative and comprehensive with contributions from leading specialists. This book covers all aspects of skin and leather preservation, from clothing to cuir bouilli and taxidermy to bookbindings. It discusses the tools and equipment needed to transform and preserve a wide range of products including fur, feathers, parchment, fish and reptile skins. (From the Publisher)