本月份精選13種新編書籍及影音資料,更多新上架資料請見圖書館首頁_新書通報_每月新上架圖書 |
中 文 |
作者:伊莉莎白.威爾森(Elizabeth Wilson) ; 譯者:錢基蓮、殷于涵、李明哲
索書號: ML418 D85 W5512 2005
霍爾的移動城堡:The Art of Howl's Moving Castle
宮崎駿劇本.導演 ; Studio Ghibli編輯 出版年:2005
索書號:NC1766 J3 H6912 2005
本書為宮崎 駿所製作的動畫「霍爾的移動城堡」幕後製作全記錄,內含工作人員訪談、完整劇本及上千張的設定稿、彩圖。宮崎 駿:1941年出生於東京都。學習院大學政治經濟學部畢業後,東映動畫入社。參與「太陽王子 霍爾斯的大冒險」(1968年)
「龍貓」(1988年) 「魔女宅急便」(1989年) 「紅豬」(1992年) 「魔法公主」(1997年)
地中海的冬天 : 突尼西亞、西西里、希臘的歷史遊
作者:羅柏.D.卡普蘭(Robert D. Kaplan);譯者:鄭明華 出版年:2005
索書號:D973 K3712 2005
在《地中海的冬天》中,他記下了從1970到1990年代在地中海區域所做的自助旅程,從搭乘公車、火車、在跨海渡輪上過夜到徒步跋涉,充分體驗了旅程中的風塵僕僕。旅程從羅丹在巴黎的雕像公園開始,行經馬賽的粗獷街道,到當時正為2004年夏季奧林匹克運動會大張旗鼓進行籌備的希臘雅典結束。鉅細靡遺地述說當時的各段旅程,透過在突尼西亞、西西里、達爾馬西亞和希臘的冒險經歷,描繪出他個人生命的省思與改變,同時也為本書提供了有關地中海歷史的基本架構。(資料來源:博客來網路書店) |
作者:傑森.韋伯斯特(Jeason Webster);譯者:黃孝如 出版年:2004
索書號:GT2130 O5412 2006
繼而接觸佛朗明哥始祖吉普賽的激越與熱情;豈料,又無端捲入吸毒偷竊淪為社會邊緣人,只為了得到佛朗明哥樂團的接納.... |
後發制人 : 聰明企業如何不創新也能主宰新市場 = Fast Second : How Smart Companies Bypass Radical Innovation to Enter and Dominate New Markets
作者:康士坦丁諾斯.馬基德斯(Constantinos C. Markides), 保羅.吉拉斯基(Paul A. Geroski) ; 譯者:陳正平
索書號:HF5415.153 M3712 2005
西 文 |
Professional Development Schools : Schools for Developing a Profession
Edited by Linda Darling-Hammond.
索書號: LB2154 A3 P75 2005
"In Professional Development Schools: Schools for Developing a Profession
volume editor Linda Darling-Hammond and the other contributors explain
the function, structure, and philosophy of the professional
development school. They examine its aims and compare this new model
of teacher education with the procedures other professions use to
integrate and support their members. They also present a number of
case studies of professional development school implementation,
written firsthand by participants in individual reform efforts from
all over the country. These examples, taken from urban and suburban
settings, illustrate the accomplishments of professional development
schools as well as the challenges they face as they strive to create a
new and viable vision of the improvement of the American educational
system." (From the Publisher)
The Autism Encyclopedia
Edited by John T. Neisworth and Pamela S. Wolfe.
索書號: RC553 A88 A847 2005
This one-of-a-kind encyclopedia
is a clear, comprehensive guide to the wide range of terminology related to
autism spectrum disorders. More than 100 respected autism experts have
contributed items from various disciplines-including pediatrics, behavior
analysis, speech-language pathology, occupational therapy, psychiatry,
education, psychology, and physical therapy-to bring professionals and parents
reliable information on: assistive technology, causes, curriculum materials,
diagnosis, early detection, hereditary/environmental causes, legislation,
research, sensory difficulties, behavior, classification systems, daily living,
diet, education, interventions, medical issues, screening and assessment, signs
and symptoms. Synonyms and relevant cross-references are included for the terms,
and two appendices describe assessment tools and curricula and list
autism-related study centers and organizations. Every professional whose work
involves autism spectrum disorders needs a copy of this essential resource-to
keep on hand as a daily reference and to share with parents of children who have
these complex disorders. (From the Publisher)
Fleeting Instants (Dance Photography by Marion Valentine)
by Marion Valentine
索書號:TR817.5 M37 2004
Covering classical to
contemporary dance, this collection of duotone photographs captures more than 40
years of Parisian dance companies and performances. Celebrated dancers including
Rudolf Nureyev, Violette Verdy, and Meg Stuart and the companies of Pina Bausch,
Lucinda Childs, and William Forsythe are featured. Photographs frame particular
gestures or movements, suggesting the energy and motion of performance. This
unique collection, drawn from a lifetime of work by a dance photographer, also
reveals the artistic sensibilities and interests of the eye behind the lens.
Seaside Interiors
by Diane Dorrans Saeks ; edited by Angelika Taschen.
索書號:NA7574 S24 2004
Who has never dreamt of living by the sea: the roar of the waves, the fresh
salty breeze, the endless beach.… Our journey through five continents takes you
to the world’s most idyllic seaside homes, from a rustic fisherman’s house in
Sweden to an artist’s cottage located idyllically on the coast of Maine, an
elegant apartment in Monte Carlo, a colorful beach hut on the Punta del Este in
Uruguay and much, much more. (From the Publisher)
Coastline UK : Amazing View from the Air
by Richard Cooke.
索書號:DA667 C715 2004
A unique tour of Britain's coastline through powerful aerial
photographs. The great swirls of a turquoise sea and tracts of golden sand
are not those of a Mediterranean island but are, surprisingly, the true form of
Britain's shoreline. Mudflats, dunes, and scrubland are the source of strange,
exotic hues and patterns when viewed directly from above. Small harbors yield
complex herringbone arrangements of elegantly narrow boats, and even busy
commercial ports become semi-abstract assemblages of multicolored units. Richard
Cooke, an internationally renowned aerial photographer, has created this
extraordinary sequence of images celebrating shoreline beauty and diversity. To
achieve these mesmerizing effects of color and form, Cooke chose—as far as
possible—to photograph directly above the chosen subject areas, creating
marvelous photographic compositions. The images are divided according to
coast—south, west, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish and east. Together, they form
a truly unique and totally unexpected picture of a coastline that is the equal
in variety and drama to any in the world. 200 color photographs. (From the Publisher)
視聽資料 |
兒童音樂天地 = Children's corner
(2 張DVD)
演出:安東尼.帕拉托瑞(Anthony Paratore)與約瑟夫.帕拉托瑞(Joseph Paratore),雙鋼琴
【兒童音樂天地】是第一套針對孩童量身製作的古典音樂DVD,透過活潑可愛的動畫人物、精彩非凡的現場演奏,深入淺出地為小朋友介紹古往今來最受歡迎的作曲大師與經典名曲。這是由德國公共電視台WDR與全球頂尖影音製作公司EuroArts聯合企製,嚴謹精緻的影片水準、寓教於樂的節目內容,【兒童音樂天地】正是獻給大小朋友的最佳影音饗宴!(資料來源:金革唱片) |
亞特•布雷基爵士信差樂團 = Art Blakey's Jazz Messengers.
演出: 亞特•布雷基爵士信差樂團
演出曲目都是該團最受歡迎的名曲,不僅有布雷基讓觀眾熱血沸騰的鼓技,更有樂團成員輪番精彩的即興獨奏。(資料來源:金革唱片) |
比利柯伯漢:玻璃動物園 = Billy Cobham's Glass Menagerie.
Flight Time」、「側風 Crosswind」、「徹底毀滅 Total