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索書號: CT1828 Z435 C53 2004

陳永發:「《往事並不如煙》是目前為止刻畫中國上層知識分子如何面對中共政治浪潮, 最細緻而生動的一本人物剪影。章詒和筆下的中國上層知識分子,不單單只是專制政權底 下無助的政治受害者;他們有理想熱情和天真執著的一面,也有阿附政治權力和追求生活 情趣的一面,還有驕傲自滿、虛榮自私、殘忍嫉妒和勢利糊塗的其他面。無論是熱心政治 還是淡泊名利,他們是毛澤東「把上層政治活動分子包了下來」的政策下的籠中鳥,僅在 殘酷無情的政治狂飆席捲而來時,尚能像最後的貴族一樣,多少體現和保持一些人格完整 和個人尊嚴而已。」--(中央研究院院士、近史所所長)


索書號:NA1549.8 L53 2005

鹿港龍山寺,樑柱斗栱、精雕細琢,是台灣寺廟建築的佳構;板橋林本源庭園, 三步一閣、五步一樓,是台灣園林藝術的瑰寶。
這本《19世紀台灣建築》嘗試用這種觀點來執筆,透過當時社會的變化, 豪族富戶的崛起與衰亡,外患的刺激與內部的奮力圖強,投射至建築眾生相。 十九世紀的台灣建築,功能多元,形式多樣,文化底蘊豐厚,在台灣建築發展 史上佔有極重要的地位,反應了巨變下的台灣歷史諸多面向的問題。


Vicky & Pinky 單車環球夢
索書號:PL2919 C85 2005

一九九八年七月到二00一年十一月,Vicky和Pinky花了九百廿二天,雙騎踩踏過卅二個國家、 走過五大洲,見識了阿拉斯加的遼闊、紐西蘭的原野、中澳沙漠的孤獨、歐洲璀璨的文明和 非洲大草原的生命力,經歷了風雨、斷糧、意外、遭竊、生病、嘲諷等挫折,仍堅持心中的夢想, 接受很多陌生人的慈悲和善意,一路化險為夷,平安回到家園……
她們深深體會到保羅.科賀爾所說的一段話:「沒有一顆心會因為追求夢想而受傷。當你真心想要 某樣東西時,整個宇宙都會聯合起來幫助你完成。」


作者:琳達.歐姬芙(Linda O'keeffe)著;黃詩芬譯
索書號:GT2130 O5412 2006

「鞋子」是視覺的華麗饗宴,是一場女鞋的盛大派對,本書以精美的色彩, 展示六百多雙鞋子,詳細完整地介紹各種鞋子的由來與特色,並介紹著名的 鞋類設計師及他們的名作,以及一定要知道的經典風格。


世界玻璃珍藏圖鑑 = 20TH - Century Galss.
作者:Judith Miller, Fankie Leibe, Mark Hill ; 譯者:李佳純,游明儀,趙敏
索書號:NK5110 M5512 2006

玻璃,結合了美感、精巧與絕妙的設計,可說是上個世紀最挑動人心的一種表現素材, 如今也成為一門極受歡迎的收藏領域。《世界玻璃珍藏圖鑑》由世界知名收藏專家朱蒂絲.米勒 與專門顧問執筆,帶領讀者探索此一令人著迷的領域,完整收錄從二十世紀初的新藝術、五○年 代的北歐現代設計,一直到七○年代的工作坊運動與當代設計之精品。
本書分為數個章節,涵蓋不同的收藏領域,包括吹製、套色、壓製、五彩、切割玻璃, 以及釉彩、彩繪、鑲嵌玻璃,收錄一千件以上美麗的作品,透過專業攝影師精心拍攝的彩 色圖片呈現其獨特的風華,並附上尺寸與最新收藏行情。


西  文


The Politics of Display : Museums, Science, Culture
Edited by Sharon Macdonald.
索書號: AM151 P65 1998

The Politics of Display charts the changing relationship between displays and their audience and analysis the consequent shift in styles of representation towards interactive, multimedia and reflexive modes of display. The Politics of Display brings together an array of international scholars in the disciplines of sociology, anthropology and history. Examples are taken from exhibitions of science, tehcnology and industry, anthropology, geology, natural history and medicine, and locations include the United States of America, Australia, the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands and Spain.


The Essential Inheritance of the London Contemporary Dance Theatre
Edited by Ross MckKim
索書號: GV1786 L66 E87 2004

The London Contemporary Dance Theatre was celebrated Internationally for the choreographic innovation that flowed out of it and for the technical and artistic power of its dancers. During its best years there arose a circle of respect. Members of this circle, even when critical of the company, held an almost religious reverence for its view, examination and celebration of life through dance of a non-ordinary level. This book represents a search towards the discovery of the essential inheritance of the London Contemporary Dance Theatre.


Effective Strength Training : Analysis and Technique for Upper-Body, Lower-Body, and Trunk Exercises
by Douglas Brooks
索書號:GV546 B775 2001

In Effective Strength Training, Douglas Brooks, MS, explores the latest scientific principles and therories related to resistance training. He also analysis exercise thchniques for more than 100 upper-body, lower-body, and trunk exercises.
By reading Effective Strength Training, you will learn about
- proper lifting techniques and the reasons behind the approaches;
- resistance training philosophy, porgram design, and resistance training guidelines;
- objective, scientific evaluations of controversial exercises;
- solutions for exercise situations in which the relative risks are high in relation to training goals and known orthopedic concerns; and
- resistance training systems, periodization principles, and a continuum of training programs.


Positioning Yoga : Balancing Acts Across Cultures
by Sarah Strauss
索書號:B132 Y6 S765 2005

What is yoga? Stereotypical images of people practicing this ancient art range from white-bearded Indian mystics chanting 'om' on mountaintops to urban fitness fanatics contorted into uncomfortable looking positions. We recognize the name, but may not realise how the set of ideas and practices known as yoga moved from its birthplace on the Indian subcontinent to become a global phenomenon. Positioning Yoga considers how the recent development of yoga, from its introduction to Western audiences by the Indian Swami Vivekananda at the 1893 Parliament of the World's Religions in Chicago through to the present day, has generated specific forms of modern practice. strauss takes us on an illuminating journey from India to Germany and America, and back again to India. While acknowledging yoga's point of origin, Strauss explores how yogic practices and ideas have been transformed when they cross cultural boundaries.


Handbook of Research and Policy in Art Education
Edit by Elliot W. Eisner, Michael D. Day.
索書號:N103 H36 2004

In a field whose roots (as recently as 1960) were more firmly buried in the world of arts and crafts than in scholoarly research, the Handbook of Research and Policy in Art Education marks a milestone in the field of Art Education. Sponsored by the National Art Education Association and assembled by an internationally known group of art educators, this thirty-six chapter handbook provides an overview of the remarkable porgress that has characterized this field in recent decades. Organized into six sections, it profiles and integrates the following elements of this relatively new and loosely coupled field: history, policy, learning, curriculum and instruction, assessment, and competing perspectives. Because the field of art education is relatively new and loosely coupled, this handbook provides those inside and (more importantly) outside the field an invaluable snapshot of both its boundaries and its current content.




2003年維也納新年音樂會 (DVD)
哈農庫特(Nikolaus Harnoncourt)指揮 ; 維也納愛樂(Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra)演奏.
條碼號: DD004923

最富享譽的維也納新年音樂會,2003年由七十三歲的當代指揮大師--哈農庫特再度榮膺。本場演出完全展現了哈農庫特的精心安排,史特勞斯家族的音樂仍是節目重點,另加入布拉姆斯著名的第五、六號匈牙利舞曲,以及白遼士改編自韋伯的「邀舞」管絃樂曲,還有一首極具東方色彩的「中國波卡舞曲」,整場新年音樂會自始至終洋溢著熾熱的氣氛。 「音樂是唯一一種全世界人民都能聽得懂的語言,維也納愛樂和我敬祝大家和全世界的朋友新年快樂!」伴著指揮大師哈農庫特的新年祝詞,維也納新年音樂會現場的氣氛達到了高潮,而根據傳統的最後安可曲--老約翰史特勞斯的「拉黛斯基進行曲」,哈農庫特照例轉身指揮全場觀眾們跟著節奏拍手,讓2003年維也納新年音樂會劃下了最完美的句點。


2004年柏林愛樂歐洲音樂會=European Concert 2004 (DVD)

每年的柏林愛樂交響響樂團歐洲音樂會都是挑選歐洲最重要的文化重鎮舉行, 2004年正逢奧林匹克運動會回到發源地希臘雅典舉辦,因此第十四屆歐洲音樂 會恭逢盛會,來到雅典衛城山腳下的阿提庫斯露天劇場進行盛大演出。本場演 出是由音樂總監賽門拉圖爵士親自登場指揮,端出讓人震撼的兩首布拉姆斯經 典之作,包括規模宏大的第一號鋼琴協奏曲,鋼琴巨匠巴倫波因呈現出布拉姆斯 在極端壓抑下的無限激情,不愧是名副其實的大師名演。而被譽為布拉姆斯最 佳傑作----第一號鋼琴四重奏,特別採用二十世紀現代樂派大師荀白克所改編 的管絃樂版本,拉圖爵士驅使柏林愛樂演奏出斑斕壯麗的宏偉氣勢,迴盪在阿 提庫斯露天劇場上,只能以「經典」來形容這場無與倫比的歐洲音樂會!


杜蘭朵公主 = Turandot (DVD)
瓦雷利•葛濟夫指揮; 維也納愛樂演奏

這場2002年薩爾茲堡音樂節的全新製作《杜蘭朵公主》,被國際樂壇譽為精彩絕倫的21世紀超級名演, 無論在音樂詮釋或戲劇呈現等各方面,都達到一種堪稱奇觀的頂級境界。本演出採用當代作曲家貝里奧 所寫的新結局,讓故事不落俗套且更合理感人,而在俄國大師葛濟夫熱情剽悍的指揮下,驅使當代最 卓越的聲樂家們與首屈一指的維也納愛樂,共同爆發出無限的聲音高潮。