

中  文


索書號: ND1471 T610 C4 2004 v.1-4

中國是世界上擁有典籍最多、圖書類型最豐富的國家。中國古代的刻書出版可分為官刻、圖刻、坊刻三大系統及寺院、書院兩個旁支。 點石齋叢畫尊聞閣主人編,共十卷。 是一部匯輯中國畫家作品的畫譜,其中也收有日本畫家的作品。本書原為1885年(清光緒十年)上海點石齋書局清光緒石版印刷版本。此次將原書二頁合為一頁,四卷版式及裝幀重新設計。


聽音樂家在郵票裡說故事 = Musicians on Stamps
索書號:ML385 W33 2005

這裡有80位音樂大師聯手演奏的燦爛樂章! 藉著800多張珍貴稀有的郵票,重新演奏他們的音樂夢想。 在每一個小小方寸間,盡情流瀉出動人輝煌的經典旋律。 原來郵票裡藏著這麼多的秘密!請聽,音樂家在郵票裡說故事!


100個拍好旅行風景的方法 = 100 ways to take better landscape photographs.
作者:蓋.愛德華(Guy Edwardes) ; 譯者: 蕭晴
索書號:TR660 E3912 2005



追風箏的孩子 = The Kite Runner
作者:卡勒德.胡賽尼(Khaled Hosseini) ; 譯者:李靜宜
索書號:PS3608 O525 K5812 2005

故事從一對小男孩的親密友誼開始。12歲的富家少爺阿米爾與僕人哈山,從小一塊長大,年齡相仿的兩人情同兄弟,總是一起玩耍, 一起分享有趣的故事。然而,在一場風箏比賽後,發生了一件悲慘不堪的事,永久破壞了兩人之間的情誼,從此各自走上不同的人生道路, 可是最後卻也以兩人始料未及的方式,重新連接起彼此的關係。即使阿米爾不久跟隨父親逃往美國,以為可以因此逃避過去的自己, 但關於哈山的回憶一直縈繞不去。阿米爾感到非常愧疚,無法原諒自己當年對哈山的背叛與懦弱的行為。為了贖罪, 阿米爾終於再度踏上暌違二十多年的故鄉,希望能為不幸的好友盡最後一點心力……


馬賽克創作技法小百科 = The Encyclopedia of Mosaic Techniques.
作者:艾瑪.畢格斯(Emma Biggs) ; 譯者:陳品秀
索書號:TT910 B53812 2005



西  文


Iconic Design Hotels : Destinations of a Lifetime
By Carles Broto
索書號: Fol NA7800 B76 2005

With every generation past, there are a few icons that carve out a legacy of their own and set the bar for the rest of the industry. Iconic Design Hotels offers a glimpse into the some of the world's best establishments, defined by their stunning designs and distinguished service. Enter a world of designer accommodations and top-class amenities, where design is king and distinction rules. With exquisite photographs, comprehensive drawings and enlightening text, Iconic Design Hotels offers a glimpse into the hospitality icons of the twenty-first century that define the high life and are, in every sense, destinations of a lifetime.


The Most Beautiful Gardens in the World
Introduction by Michel Baridon ; Test by Jacques Bosser
索書號: SB465 L42 2004

In The Most Beautiful Gardens in the World, photographer Alain Le Toquin celebrates the diversity of these human-made landscapes, capturing thirty-two of the greatest public and private gardens on five continents, including Majorelle Garden in Moroco, the Bersailles gardens outside Paris, the Keukenhof floral exhibition park in the Netherlands, and the Huntington Botanical Gardens in California.


The Book of Hip Hop Cover Art
by Andrew Emery
索書號: NC1882 E64 2004

Today, hip hop enjoys the status as the most dominant, influential, and exciting musical phenomenon since the early rock 'n' roll era. Since its inception on 12" vinyl in the 1970s, the sleeves that accommodate the music have provided a playground for graphic artists, and even rappers themselves, who often collaborate on the look of their own sleeves. For the first time ever, The Book of Hip Hop Cover Art brings together the greatest examples of hip hop and Rap sleeve artwork to provide a chronological history of the visual expression of this innovative, energetic, and always surprising music.


Cinema Treasures : a New Look at Classic Movie Theaters
by Ross Melnick and Andreas Fuchs
索書號:PN1993.5 U6 M37 2004

Cinema Treasures is an ambitious and marvelously illustrated history of the American movie theater from the early nickelodeons through today's state-of-the-art megaplexes. Authors Ross Melnick and Andreas Fuchs adeptly show how industry leaders, ever=-evolving technologies, and social, cultural, and economic change have shaped the fabulous movie palaces, the cozy neighborhood theaters, and the multiplexes and megaplexes in which generations have experienced motion pictures. This development is illustrated through a collection of nostalgic and contemporary photographs and ephemera sourced from the authors' own collections, provided by theaters, and culled from archives throughout the United States.


Doku/fiction : Mouse on Mars reviewed & remixed.
Edit by Peter Gorschluter.
索書號:ML3849 D635 2004

The Rhineland's electronic music scene has been an important catalyst for both cultural and artistic activity for some time now; collaborations and joint projects between musicians and artists are starting to proliferate. The duo Mouse on Mars is almost uniquely renowned amongst its peers for the genretranscending fascination its productions hold, in which Pop, Club, A-music and new musical concepts coalesce with such apparent ease. Starting from the idea of producing a remix album of Mouse on Mars music in book form, Jan St. Werner and Andi Toma, in conjunction with the Kunsthalle Dusseldorf, asked over 30 artists, musicians, designers and scientists to document their imaginative responses to and associations with Mouse on Mars. They were invited to contribute works for the project without actually generating any sound.




北極特快車 = The Polar Express (DVD)
導演:羅勃辛密克斯(Robert Zemeckis)
條碼號: DD004443



山村猶有讀書聲 = Etre et Avoir (DVD)
導演: 尼可拉斯菲力柏特(Nicolas Philibert)



攻殼機動隊 = Ghost in the shell : stand alone complex (DVD動畫,共13集)
原作: 士郎正宗 ; 企畫: 石川光久,渡邊繁 ; 編集: 植松淳一
條碼號:DD004223 - DD004235
