
中  文


寶石珍賞誌 = Jewelry
作者: 朱倖誼
索書號: NK7304 C458 2003

本書從寶石的定義和歷史說起,進而說明它們基本物理化學特性、車工鑲嵌與美麗傳說等,更特別羅列出選購小祕訣,教你如何不用專業工具,就能以最簡單的方式辨別真偽 、評選等級。書末的選購寶石實用資訊,使讀者不但能輕鬆遊歷光彩奪目的紙上寶石世界,還能藉此挑選適合自己的寶石來收藏佩戴 。


你想活多久 = Emotional Longevity : Wheat Really Determines How Long You Live
作者:Norman B.  Anderson & P. Elizabeth Anderson ; 譯者:歐陽秀宜
索書號:RA776.75 A53412 2005



畢卡索的成敗 = The Success and Failure of Picasso
作者:John Berger ; 譯者:連德誠
索書號:ND553 P5 B4512 2005



西  文


Sport Design : Four Elements
Editor: Paco Asensio ; Texts: Simone K. Schleifer
索書號: GV745 S66 2004

Sports products offer nearly limitless scope for design innovation and creativity, constituting as they do a synthesis of function, beauty, high-tech materials and imaginative concepts. The 400 pages and over 800 photos in this book are divided into sections on snow , air, water and earth. The book provides fascinating insight into the most advanced product concepts from today's leading international sports brands.


Paper Clay

by Rosette Gault
索書號: TT921.5 G38 2005

Paper clay is an exciting development in the ceramics field. It is easy to use, extremely strong in the unfired state, easy to repair at nearly every stage of the forming process, and the final glazed and fired result can be indistinguishable from that using conventional clay. Yet the result is much lighter than normal. This feature is particularly useful for wall installations and delicate sculptural forms. All in all, paper clay is a flexible technique that provides the artist with exciting possibilities. In this revised and expanded new edition, Rosette Gault not only clearly explains how to make, use and fire paper clay and paper slips, but she also brings the reader up to date on all the new developments. She uses the work of an international group of artists to illustrate the versatility of this fascinating materials.


Excursion for Miracles : Paul Sanasardo, Donya Feuer, and Studio for Dance, 1955-1964
by Mark Franko
索書號: GV1785 A1 F693 2005

Excursion for Miracles is an intimate portrait of the early choreographic careers of Donya Feuer and Paul Sanasardo, and the artistic significance of their Studio for Dance in New York City. These two dynamic individuals were committed to breaking set ways of thinking about dance in relation to life, and their work with a group of very young children and dancers such as Pina Bausch anticipated radical cultural thought of the 1960s, particularly with the unrecognized masterpiece "Laughter after All."




香料共和國=A Touch of Spice (DVD)
導演: 迪索.布麥特斯(Tassos Boulmetis)
索書號:PN1997 T683 2005 (條碼號:DD004221)



時時刻刻 = The Hours (DVD)
導演: 史蒂芬達德利(Stephen Daldry) ; 演員:梅莉史翠普,茱莉安摩爾,妮可基嫚
索書號: PN1997 H687 2003 (條碼號:DD004244)

〔舞動人生〕導演Stephen Daldry)新作,改編自美國普立茲獎麥可康寧漢得獎小說。1949年的蘿拉布朗(茱莉安摩爾飾)是一位懷孕的家庭主婦她為了丈夫的生日忙得不可開交;21世紀的克勞麗莎(梅莉史翠普飾)正要投入一場重要的宴會中,這是為她的一位飽受愛滋病之苦的作朋友所舉辦的;而這兩個女人的命運卻同時因為1923年倫敦的知名女作家維吉妮雅吳爾芙(妮可基嫚飾)的作品而有所影響,吳爾芙也正在從事她的創作,這三個女人之間牽扯出不可思議的關聯,並深深影響彼此的生活...(94年教學卓越計畫採購入藏)


美國天使 =Angels in America (DVD)
導演: 麥克尼克斯(Mike Nichols);演員:艾爾帕西諾,梅莉史翠普,艾瑪湯普森
索書號: PN1997 A64  2005 (條碼號:DD004217)

"榮獲2004年金球獎迷你影集最佳男女主角、最佳男女配角、艾美獎迷你影集最佳男女主角、最佳男女配角、最佳編劇、最佳導演"  80年代末,人生複雜、局勢動盪的紐約,六個有相互聯繫的人和一個天使。一名右翼律師跟已婚男拍檔有曖昧關係,他的太太不甘被無性婚姻束縛,偷偷搭上其他對象;另一方面,身懷愛滋病的賈斯汀卻克遭男同志抛棄後,希望透過宗教獲得心靈上的解脫,某日竟遇上了天使,並得知自己原是先知... (94年教學卓越計畫採購入藏)