--第21期(94.11.15) |
中 文 |
John O’Toole & Julie Dunn
O7612 2005
本書所提供之教育戲劇教學範例,不僅將戲劇的技巧融入連貫一致的教學結構中:其技巧皆適用於任何階段的學習主題。缺乏經驗的老師,更可以依循本書的範例進行教學;有經驗的老師,也能將這些範例作為參考。此書主要由三個章節組成:A章節「如何進行戲劇教學?」;B章節「戲劇教學範例」,包含了8個戲劇的範例,設定4個階段,學生所涵蓋的範圍從學齡前、小學至8年級。C章節中有兩個附加資料:「索引與字彙」,「參考資料表」。 |
S48 C43h 2005
「席德進這個人,粗髮亂服,不修邊幅,天生是來當藝術家的。這位有著蜀人辣椒性格的畫壇怪傑,愛憎分明、直言無忌,敢於做自己。他出生四川南部縣,歷經對日抗戰、國共內戰,在動盪的大時代裡成長、壯實。他曾經狂飆現代藝術,鼓吹抽象畫,卻在由歐美回國後,大力提倡最不為人重視的台灣民間藝術與台灣古建築,帶動日後各界對本土文化的認同。他的身分證職業欄填的是畫家,他無妻無子,孓然一身。即使晚年因胰臟癌需一日三飲苦膽汁,他仍然拖著膽汁瓶南征北討,畫出他眼中不朽的台灣。他將一生完全奉獻給藝術,留下無數美麗的畫作,成就不朽的傳說。」∼鄭惠美 |
Juno), V.費爾(V.
F4 A5312 2005
本書一共訪問十六位前衛藝術工作者,涵括音樂、行動劇場、黃色電影、雕塑家、詩人、前衛劇場工作者…,討論的主題包括月經、自慰、按摩棒、S&M、種族歧視、敗亡的烏托邦,以及六0年代之死。作者帶領我們挑戰社會所加諸在我們身上的禁忌、信仰,以及語言上的集體主義,從而展開女性的行為、想像力與夢想。 |
C35 2004
作者挑選一百件大家看過、聽說過的作品,介紹畫中有話的趣事,希望讀者抱著輕鬆愉快的心情,找找藝術的世界隱藏了多少小秘密,了解原來藝術還有這麼多好玩的事。 |
西 文 |
A Global Encyclopedia of Historical
Editor D.R. Woolf
D13 G47 1998 v.1/2
Only for the past 100 years have historians been
considered to be members of a profession; since the time of Herodotus
they had been sages, diplomats, priests, teachers, prophets,
politicians, and poets. Historical writing too has played different
roles: in the Renaissance it was a branch of rhetoric, in Homer’s time
poetry, and in 12th-century Scandinavia spellbinding saga.,
write history and spotlights its famed as well as forgotten major
figures. |
Encyclopedia of Artists
Consulting Editor, William Vaughan
N31 E53 2000 v.1-6
This new, six-volume Encyclopedia of Artists presents
an ideal introduction to the masters and concepts of Western art. The
first five volumes comprise alphabetically arranged entries on 222
artists who, from late medieval times to the present, have defined the
history of Western art in painting, sculpture, and printmaking. Volume
6 addresses movements and ideas in art, and contains a full glossary,
which defines the terms of art and art-making, and offers extensive
suggestions for further reading, plus a master index. |
Milton, Paradise Lost
Student Guide)
David Loewenstein, Second Edition
L63 2004
This volume offers and accessible and accessible
stimulating introduction to one of the most influential texts of
western literature. This book highlights Milton’s imaginative daring
and considers the heretical dimensions of Paradise Lost and its
theology, while situating Milton’s great poem in its literary,
religious, and political contexts. Finally, the volume offers an
extremely useful and newly updated guide to further reading, which
students and teachers will find invaluable. |
Yodel-Ay-Ee-Oooo : the Secret
History of Yodeling Around the World
By Bart Plantenga
P53 2004
is the first book to view yodeling as a global phenomenon. It answers
the question: How did a centuries-old Alpine tradition make its way
into American country music? Along the way, the reader discovers that
yodeling is not just a Swiss thing: everyone from African
Pygmies, rhinestone cow-people, avant-garde tonsil-twisters, to pop
stars like Jevel and Sly & the Family Stone have been known to yodel.
We encounter legends Jimmie Rodgers and Gene Autry, whistling yodelers
like Ronnie Ronalde, the chicken yodeling Cackle Sisters, the campy “
Australian Queen of Yodeling” Mary Schneider, and the Topp Twins, a
yodeling lesbian duo. Yodel-Ay-Ee-Oooo is the definitive deep glimpse
into this secret world—one the reader will explore with great delight. |