--第19期(94.09.15) |
中 文 |
暗礁 =
羅米虛.古奈塞可拉(Romesh Gunesekera) ; 譯者: 王娟娟
PR9440.9 G86 R4412 2005
。《暗礁》除了囊括當年布克獎和《衛報》小說獎的最後決選,還得到義大利Premio Mondello五大洲亞洲類獎。 |
: 第一次接觸就令人深深著迷
SB450.97 W6 2005
本書教您從零開始打造屬於您的庭園。企劃的單元包括:日本鄉里間頗受好評的庭院:茶屋、觀光式庭院等介紹;小庭院的園藝生活;住在公寓或獨棟房屋的庭院打造奮鬥記;初次挑戰!我家美味的廚房庭院;庭院裝飾物的技巧;就算沒有庭院也可享受園藝樂趣,打造室內庭院!燭光搖曳生姿的庭院;深入了解聖誕薔薇;自家庭院栽培野花;以彩色花卉裝飾我家的玄關及小徑;用土和肥料的基礎…等,協助您第一次接觸園藝就上手。 |
= The 100 most influential persons
in film history.
邱華棟 , 楊少波 索書號: PN1998.2 C44 2005
電影的發明不僅改變了人們觀看世界的方式,更造就了空前強大的經濟體系與經濟奇蹟。《你不可不知道的改變電影歷史的100位名人》回溯剛剛過了百年的電影歷史,他們因為這一項十九世紀末的科技發明,投身於機器所製造的虛光幻影中,為那一燒就著的透明底片傾心終生。本書以輕鬆、生動的文字,呈現100位電影導演及演員,從發跡、創作到風華絕代的形貌,透過這些精采有趣的紀錄與分析,讓您輕易地跨進電影藝術的殿堂,掌握電影歷史的脈絡軌跡、思索電影產業的未來。 |
= Crossing Tibet
路明 ; 朱軍翻譯. 索書號: DS785 L8 2005
本書作者路明自1998年開始,花費七年的時間,完成了關於藏族居住區的攝影工作。行經範圍包括了雲南、四川、甘肅、青海等地,幾乎遍布整個青藏高原。他將一路走來看到的西藏山水、湖泊、文化、宗教、情感寄託等事物,以優美的文字、中英雙語與上百幅的照片來紀錄、敘說,希望讀者藉由他的眼,領略西藏之美,也希望這樣一本攝影集與旅行記錄,為藏區自然與文化,留下最動人的圖文見證。 |
西 文 |
Writing on the Wall : Word and Image in Modern Art
Simon Morley
索書號: N8265 M67 2003
This study explores the strange, unsettling and often humorous results
when words escape their traditional confines and inhabit artworks. It
traces the growing bond between word and image in art, explaining how
artists since the late nineteenth century have harnessed the resulting
tension to form identities, challenge authority and make sense of a
world in constant change. Writing on the Wall also reveals how artists
have responded to an environment increasingly saturated with words, and
how the mass media have adopted and adapted artistic devices in
lypography, propaganda and advertising. |
The Sculptor’s Bible : Surface Effects and How to Achieve Them
John Plowman 索書號: Ref NB50 P55 2005(參考書)
This handy full-color reference guides sculptors through enhancing any
sculpture with dramatic surface effects and finishes. The Sculptor's
Bible covers everything from selecting surfaces, carving wood and
modeling clay to utilizing various surface techniques to create stunning
pieces. More
than 400 detailed color photos demonstrate techniques and surfaces,
while introduction sections provide background about various surfaces
including stone, wood, cement and more. |
Metal Dreams : Metamorphosen islandischer Erde : Thelma Herzl, Damir
Anton Herzl 索書號: N7053 H47 A4 2003
The “ Metal Dreams” series is an artwork of enormous intensity and
moving atmosphere. The unique topography of Iceland forms the basis of a
staged installation with the solid material of industrial aluminium,
which sometimes emphasizes features of the landscape like a text marker,
sometimes imitates nature or enters into a dialogue with it and yet also
speaks with one voice. In a harmonic synthesis, the ancient opposition
of culture and nature- the aesthetic and the sublime- fuses into a new
quality: land art is not sculpture nor is it image. |
Plays:1. Stallerhof, Request Programme, The Nest, Tom Fool, Through the
Xaver Kroetz ; introduced by Moray McGowan.
PT2671 R59 A25 2004
First English-language publication of Germany's most famous -living
playwright. This collection includes: Stallerhof(1971),
Request Programme(1971),
The Nest(1974),
Tom Fool(1977),
the leaves(1976). |
Musica Poetica : Musical-Rhetorical Figures in German Baroque Music
Dietrich Bartel 索書號: ML3849 B289 1997
Musica Poetica provides an unprecedented examination of the development
of Baroque musical thought. The initial chapters, which serve as an
introduction to the concept and teachings of musical-rhetorical figures,
explore Martin Luther's theology of music, the development of the
Baroque concept of musica poetica, the idea of the affections in German
Baroque music, and that music's use of the principles and devices of
rhetoric. Dietrich Bartel then turns to more detailed considerations of
the musical-rhetorical figures that were developed in Baroque treatises
and publications. After brief biographical sketches of the major
theorists, Bartel examines those theorists' interpretations and
classifications of the figures. |