




關鍵詞: 博物館蒐藏、展示文化、博物館與殖民主義、亞太博物館研究、歐美博物研究



Museums collect and exhibit tangible and intangible culture in order to have a deeper understanding of the development of civilization and construct the system of knowledge. Through museum collections and exhibitions, the great powers of Europe are able to demonstrate national power and become windows to other cultures. Early museum collections and exhibitions of the many former British colonies in the Asia-Pacific region, such as Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand, Australia and etc., were influenced by the concepts of European Museums. Therefore, how the exhibitions and collections of Asia-Pacific museums in the post-colonial era have changed their interpretation in order to comply with the policies and ideologies of newly emerged countries, is worth discussing.

In addition, the Japanese colonial empire that rose in the late 19th century also established museums in its Asian colonies, which had a great impact on the early development of museums in Taiwan. The establishment of graduate school of museum studies and the theory of eco-museums in France in the 1970s; the active promotion of social inclusion policy in the U.K. and European countries in the 1990s; and the focus on multicultural education and the development of museum enterprises in the United States and Canada, all influenced and inspired the concept and practice of museums in Taiwan, through academic introduction. In the view that museum collections and exhibitions play a crucial role in the construction of national and local cultural identity, the promotion of global human rights issues, the curatorship and preservation of natural and cultural heritage; this project will focus on the research of museum collections and exhibition in Taiwan and the Asia-Pacific region, applying and introducing theories and practices of collecting and displaying culture of museums in Europe and North America, in order to construct an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural comparative researches with international scope.

Key Words:
Museum Collection, Displaying culture, Museum and Colonialism, Museum Studies in Asia-Pacific Region, Museum Studies in Europe and North America





姓名 職稱 工作性質、項目及範圍
計畫主持人 陳佳利 博物館研究所 副教授 規劃與推動計畫執行、召集圖書典藏規劃委員會
閻自安 師資培育中心
張婉真 博物館研究所 副教授 書目規劃、執行諮詢
廖仁義 博物館研究所 助理教授 書目規劃、執行諮詢
黃貞燕 博物館研究所 助理教授 書目規劃、執行諮詢