





On behalf of the Chinese theatre, with its rich heritage, stories combining singing and dancing as its artistic features, and a variety of local operas accompanied by the daily entertainment and emotional memories of commoners, crossing eight centuries since its formation in the 12th century, the Chinese Opera is known as China’s popular drama. As it spread around the world and shown influence on western drama, playwright Huang Zoulindemonstrated its mastery with Mei Langfang, representing Chinese Opera in the world’s three performing system along with Stanislavsky and Brecht. However, while the relatively late emergence of opera studies has accumulated fruitful establishments in the studies of playwrights, works and metrical rhyme, there lacks a focus on its core of artistic performance, cultural phenomenon and relations with the modern East Asian popular theatre, which decelerates the overall research developments among the International theatre community.

In addition to the art of performance, drama performance culture involves art genres, theatre art, viewers studies, drama genres, acting methods, drama education, gender studies, comparative theater studies, religion and folk knowledge and etc. Therefore, doing further research on drama performance culture will not only help build academic connection with the International drama studies community, but also build a complete and deep understanding on drama and East Asian popular theatre.

This project joins the faculty of the Department of the Theatre Arts and the Department of Traditional Music, circles on the development of “Center for Asian Performance and Body Culture Research” and “Center for East Asian PopularDrama”. It actively plans on accumulating related bibliography and materials, mainly on drama performance and related cultural phenomena and supplemented by East Asian Public theatre. In order to build up our university library collection, with the goal to become the top research center for drama performance culture and East Asian popular drama in the country, our priority purchase will focus on Chinese serial books and rare books, and related materials in English and Japanese.



類別 姓名 服務機構/系所 職稱 職責
主持人 徐亞湘 戲劇學系 教授 計畫規劃與推動、研擬購藏重點、召集圖書典藏規劃委員會
共同主持人 廖仁義 博物館學研究所 助理教授兼圖書館館長 綜理督導圖書館執行與採購作業、圖書館後續服務與推廣
共同主持人 林于竝 戲劇學系 副教授兼戲劇系主任 協助計畫規劃與推動、研擬購藏重點
共同主持人 簡秀珍 傳統音樂學系 副教授 協助計畫規劃與推動、研擬購藏重點
計畫執行人員 吳雅慧 圖書館 採編組組長 計畫執行督導
計畫執行人員 吳采致 圖書館 採編組組員 圖書採購、推廣
計畫專案助理 許瑋婷 戲劇學系碩士班 研究生 書目查證、採錄點收、圖書加工、支援推廣活動、書目深度介紹、專題研究
計畫專案助理 程筱媛 戲劇學系碩士班 研究生 書目查證、採錄點收、圖書加工、支援推廣活動、書目深度介紹、專題研究